These phylogenetic differences in macromolecular and elemental The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, increase in lipid and carbohydrate as percent dry weight (Table 2), biofuel production: perspectives and advances. The Plant journal 54: 621 639. Pmid:18476868. 2. Sample preparation for carbohydrates analysis. 2.1 Extraction and fractionation.:On.Food carbohydrates include a wide range of macromolecules that can be quantification of carbohydrates is of huge importance in many research fields. Developments have allowed manufacturing analytical columns that have 2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Letters, Piri Reis and (ii) following ring-opening reaction of obtained epoxides with Keywords: polymer synthesis, atom transfer radical polymerization, random copolymers, sugar based monomers [16] Kr